It fixes bugs left by the developers, adds new features, and changes details to the way.
I know you're busy, but these other features are fantastic and work perfectly. This mod is a complete overhaul project for Black Ops 2 Zombies. Just a standard god mode option that doesn't boost the damage you do to zombies, and the one you have now which does as seperate options. To work around this, I basically have to leave god mode unchecked until round 2, shoot the plane down to get a piece of the fire staff, then go from there. With access to exclusive weaponry and equipment, your actions will tip the balance during the most dangerous time period mankind has ever known. Basically what happens is when you turn on God Mode, your bullet damage gets amplified, but for whatever reason you cant interact with certain things that require shooting them (such as the glowing orange plane thats supposed to drop a staff part in Origins, and later as step 5 of the easter egg) Call of Duty: Black Ops will take you behind enemy lines as a member of an elite special forces unit engaging in covert warfare, classified operations, and explosive conflicts across the globe. Since the menu is open source you can do whatever you want with it.
Just a small one that gives us the option to not do infinite damage to zombies when you turn on god mode so that the easter egg in Origins can be done. Lucy Menu is a free open source Call of Duty Black Ops 4 GSC Mod Menu, It currently is set only to work on IX But that will change in the future. Would you like to support my work, please consider donating! Run Black Ops Zombies 2 in window mode and press the show hotkey to bring up the menu then hide hotkey to close it God mode, ammo, lock spread, give cash, rapid fire, gravity, playspeed, timescale, auto semis, teleport & more

Then press hide hotkey to close the menu. Though in windowed the game still looks like fullscreen. The menu ingame by pressing the menu hotkeys. Running BO2 in windowed mode will allow you to use Online, you do at your own risk and most features probably Version of Black Ops 2 Zombies in lan mode, this tool makes BO2Z Toolbox is designed to be used on the Plutonium